Thursday, February 24, 2011


            An account in the Plattsburgh Sentinel for January 21, 1876 records the fiftieth anniversary of the Sabbath School.  It says: “The morning service included an organ voluntary by Marion Smith, the organist, an anthem by the choir, …”

            From 1902 to 1921 (certain dates unknown) Silas D. Barber was organist and choir director.  Mrs. J. M. Studholme and Miss Alice F. Hewitt served for short periods between 1897 and 1947.  After Mr. Barber retired, Coranel Hudson played the organ.

            Mrs. Edwin L. Pettis was the director of a quartet which was a paid choir, as well as singing alto.  Frank Cooper was a tenor in this group.  On August 24, 1931, Session minutes indicate the approval of a change of pay for the choir which consisted of four soloists.

            The Music Committee appointed on March 30, 1933, reported to the Session on  January 22, 1934, recommending the establishment of the chorus choir. This necessitated dispensing with the existing paid choir at the end of March 1934.  The new director had unrestricted authority for selecting the members of this choir, and handling the same.

            Walter B. Angel was engaged as organist and director for $1500 per year.  The choir made its first appearance on April 1, 1934.  The minutes for February 27, 1934, indicate that $50 was approved for music or special singers.  Dean Nichols was a member of this choir and sang for about forty years.

            In 1936 Harry McCord became organist and director, serving for five and one half years.  He developed a junior choir and choir school.  The old “pastor’s study” in the church was transformed into an attractive choir room (now the Sunday School office) where rehearsals were held and the choir assembled before the Sunday morning service. 

            At Mr. Angell’s suggestion, the women of the church provided the choir with gowns “in which they make an attractive and dignified appearance”.  A junior choir was organized in February 1937, as well as a choir school.  Harry McCord also had an organ class on Monday evenings at   Gowns for the junior choir were made by the Women’s Aid Society. 

            Harry McCord was replaced as organist and choir director when he was called into service.  His job was to be open to him if he wanted to return.  At a meeting of elders and trustees on May 1, 1942, V. Weltie Baker, director of music in the city school sys-tem, was approved to become the organist and choir director.  Mr. Baker’s leadership and performance were held in high regard in the church.

            Session records for February 5, 1953 indicate that the Women’s Guild offered to raise funds for purchase of new choir robes for the various church choirs.  The choir do-
nated the proceeds from the last two renditions of the Messiah.  These robes were maroon.

            The minutes of the Session for March 12, 1959, noted that the lock was to be removed from the door which lead from the Pine Room (now the library) to the choir room (now the Sunday School office). 

            Gladys McShane was an assistant director for the junior choir.  Some junior choir directors were: Janet Thompson, Marian Fee, and Victoria Sandwith (now Washburn).   In 1966 the church had a girls choir.  In 1970 there was a cherub, carol, canticle and chancel choir. 

            For many years the junior and cherub choirs rehearsed on Saturday mornings, using various times from to   The time for these was moved to Monday afternoon in the fall of 1977.  At one time the youth choir rehearsed on Wed-nesday evenings prior to the adult choir rehearsal.  Saturday evening was rehearsal time for the adults many years ago.

            In February 1967 permission was given for the choir to leave the choir loft after the anthem on very cold Sundays.  Construction on the new addition had necessitated openings in the foundation and back wall of the church which caused a serious heating problem in the choir loft.

            In the mid nineteen-sixties, the choir director was Marion Fee, and the organist George F. Slosson.  The church experimented with having an early service in the fall of 1967.  The organist for the regular service, Pat McGraw, also played for this service.

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